Archive for September, 2011


Posted in Uncategorized on September 18, 2011 by OL

So we set out to have three barbecues for the summer since the Memorial Day weekend one went so well.  This one was special to us because it was 364 days after we first met, and in the same place that we met.  Of course this one was more organized that the one at the end of May, since we had more prep time.  I love seeing Rebekkah get excited about making certain drink concoctions and meals.   We come together so well to make things happen once everything was set out there.  Plenty of vegetable made it to the grill to go with the burgers, kobe and veggie.  Or to just have alone.















We got a football game going later which went well until Rebekkah got knocked over.

The high light of the day was setting out to make this happen.  We obsessed over the weather forecast since it was supposed to rain that day.


Rebekkah kept checking the hourly forecast fro her phone and it looked like we had a chance to get things going.  I only believed because she believed, and that energy was enjoyable to see.


All in all, it was a wonderful day.